A Stand & Be Counted and Oldham Coliseum Theatre Production

FAMILY FUN AT Oldham Library

Behind The Story

The wonderful Oldham Central Library is always buzzing with activity. The library hosts a range of brilliant community groups and there really is something for everyone whatever age you are. Drop in if you are looking for a quiet, warm and welcoming place to relax, learn and make friends.

Oldham Library is a public library that serves as a cultural and educational hub for the community, offering a wide range of resources and services. The library provides access to a diverse collection of books, periodicals, and multimedia materials, catering to various interests and age groups.

In addition to its extensive collection, Oldham Library likely hosts events and programs, such as author talks, book clubs, and educational workshops.


Oldham Greenhill Community Sports & Recreation Club (boys Saturday morning group)


Sholver and Moorside Community Centre